
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 28

 I took my test. The test was easy. Then I just chilled for the remainder. Then I left the class.

October 27

 I did my work. I chilled in the class.  I talked to my friends. I left the class.

October 26

 We read a story.  I took notes in the class. I watched a mini movie. Then it was time to go.

October 25

 I took a vocab quiz. It was really easy. I made a 90 on it.Then I left the class.

October 24

 I did my work in class. We finished our test from friday. I think I did good on it. Then after I finished I left.

October 21

 I took a test. I didnt finish the test. I just answered a couple questions. I left for the fair

October 20

 I did my work . I talked a little. We had a class discussion.Then I left the class.  

October 19

 I did my work. I listened to my music. We took notes. We left the class.

October 18

I wrote down defenitions from the book. I took down notes. I listened to my music. Then I packed up and left .

October 17

 Today was a chill day. I did my work . I talked a little bit. Then  I packed up and left.

October 14

 We did 13-20 today. It was kind of hard. I enjoyed today class period. Today was alright.

October 13

 We worked on the benchmark. Mostly the whole class period I was workin. The bench mark was kind of hard. I had to do 12 questions 

October 12

 We did a poem. We took notes. We had a funny class discussion. Then we left the class.

October 11

 We had a chill day. We worked on class work. We also had a class discussion. Thats it then we packed up and left.

October 6th

 We presented our poems today. My was about my dreams. I really enjoyed my class period. We laughed and learned more about poems.

October 5

 We had a substitute teacher. I did my work. I mostly just did my work and talked. Thats pretty much what I did.

October 4

I was sick badly. I slept the whole class period . I heard the lesson a little bit . Then I left the class

October 3

 I did my work.  I took some notes. Also we had a class discussion. Then I packed up and left.

My dreams


October 3rd


September 30

 We did not go 2nd pd. We stayed in 1st all day. I did my art work and chilled. At 2 everyone went to gym.

September 29

 We had a regular day. We finished the story. I was kind of sad troy died. I did not like the ending. Also we took notes and thats it.

September 28

 We had a regular class period. When we were leaving they told us to go on lockdown. So we stayed in the class room for the rest of the day. Then we left for dismissal

September 27

 We did work. We had discussions about the work. We read our book. I packed up and left

September 26

 We  did our warm ups. We read our book. Also we had a class discussion. Then we packed our things up n left.